Saturday, March 23, 2013

End of week 4, start of week 5

A big hearty


to you all.
I hope you are happy and healthy in whatever you are doing and where ever you may be at the moment.
I am this morning feeling a little brain dead and fragile hehehe
perhaps I will need three cans of diet coke to get me through the day instead of my usual two cans.
I worked very late into the night last night to finish off one of week 4 focus questions
I didn't have to - it was my choice, but I was on a roll so just kept going. And for those of you that know me, you know that I am usually an early to bed kinda girl - I luv my zzzzzzzzzzz's
So I may need a Nana nap this after noon as well as 3 cans of diet coke
Well there is no point moaning, I came here to say hello and tell you where I am at.
I am just loving my studies at the moment, my brain is buzzing with so much amazingly interesting stuff . WOW, how our brain and body functions is just a miracle!!!!!!! And to say every function begins at the level of a neuron (well lower if you want to go that low, but I am just amazed at the neuron level) is just mind boggling.
This week has been very sad though as one of my lovely lecturers had a devastating, family tragedy. My heart just goes out to her, I cannot even begin to imagine how she is coping. It certainly has added a heavy heart to this weeks study. I do hope she is ok. My other lecturer is this ladies good friend so she is also having a hard time. Just all so sad.
But amazingly everything that was supposed to happen for study purposes still went ahead this week.
Everything has been handled so professionally, despite the sadness that must be being felt in the uni. I take my hats off to them.
And in comparison my tiredness today is nothing to what these people are going through, so I should not complain at all. So I need to shake myself and just get on with the day.
I have the last of my focus questions to complete today, well actually it is a stop and reflect question, not an overly hard one, just one that needs attention to detail.
I think my one major concern with everything that I am studying is "Am I going to remember it all"
Oh by crikey, there is information overload - big time. My head is just swimming most of the time.
Yesterday I went and looked at one focus question and the main term in it seemed as if I had never seen it before. But once I reviewed the week, I found it and of course I knew what it was but my brain must have filed it away. Anyway I will take it one step at a time and see how I go. The week between week 5 and 6 is vacation week and although I have my darling little rug rats home on school holidays, I intend to spend the week refreshing and re watching all of my lectures again. Hopefully that will help reinforce the main concepts. 
Ok well I think I may go and have some sugar and a diet coke to help kick start my day.
I hope you have a super happy day.
talk soon
x joy

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week 2

Hello and happy Tuesday to you,
It is a rainy old day here in Blackall, perfect indoor weather,
 perfect for sitting here at my fishbowl (what I call my windows above my desk). I can work away while watching the rain come down - it is very peaceful.
Well I got through week 1 and now am successfully getting through week 2 schedules even when I played hooky yesterday to have a well deserved break and had moring tea with my lovely friends.
 It was full on getting back into 3 courses after doing only one course last term but I like being busy and it is filling each day lovely. I definately need to do all six hours each day that the boys are at school and then some more after they have settled into homework. I have been jotting down how many hours I spend each day and to complete all duties that where expected of me last week - I spent a total of 37.5 hours which is exactly 12.5 hours for each course. I realise I will probably need to spend more with assessments but if I do them as I go along - I will be fine.
Ok well I am off to go cook some dinner for my boys - I probably need to think about exactly what we will be having first hehehehe I hope there is something in the cupboard (or will I be like old mother Hubbard).
Have a great day.
talk soon
x joy