Friday, June 20, 2014

End of term 1, 2nd year Psychology

Oh my goodness - where has the time gone??????
I cannot believe that it is now the end of term 1, 2nd year already!
I really must get on here and reflect more often. It has been a huge term with lots happening.
My first major news is that I now also work part time for CQU as well as studying there.
I am so excited and I absolutely love my job.
How lucky am I to be able to say that I love my job - I really cannot believe my luck. I am a widening participation assistant and my role is to go to the local schools out here in western Queensland and undertake sessions with year 11 and 12 students to introduce and teach them skills that may be required in their life long journey. It includes teaching them how to apply for scholarships, undertaking group work, keeping track of learning, along with several other important skills that can be applied to either future study or work force roles. 
I started back in April with training over in Rockhampton (which I just loved) and will really shift into high gear in the school term 3 (July and August) with sessions in Blackall, Longreach and Winton.
My study is going superbly - I am still loving every minute of it - even the stressful points (and believe me - there has been a few of those hehe).
2nd Year studies are definitely so much harder than 1st year - I have noticed a huge difference in the study load and the expectations. I sometimes am so busy that I don't know how I fit everything into my schedule. and I often find myself wishing for extra hours in each day. I have even found myself timing my days down to the minutes sometimes. My weekly planner is my lifesaver and I would be lost without it - absolutely everything has to be put into the plan otherwise it doesn't get done.
I have also been lucky enough to have found an absolutely fabulous study buddy - and I can tell you that she is a god send!!! Kelly is in the same year of Psychology as me and we met through the widening participation program. Kelly is also a widening participation assistant and we chat via messages and Skype all the time. We constantly talk about and throw ideas about our studies around as well as do revision sessions for exams. Having a friend to talk about study is amazingly helpful. Although Frankie (hubby) is soooo supportive and eagerly helps me with reviewing my essays and quizzes me for exam study - it is soooo nice to have someone who also talks psychology language. Kelly knows what I am on about without having to explain the concepts  and we constantly crack each other up with psychology jokes - that only psych students would get.

I am just so lucky - I have a great job, a fabulous study buddy, I love my study, my family is awesome - how much more could a girl want?
I am currently on three weeks break and although I was well and truly ready for a break - I am now finding myself going a bit stir crazy. hehehe  how silly is that? I have worked my way through a list of things to do - that contained all of my much neglected jobs around the house like sorting out my desk and the kitchen cupboards, scrubbing every surface possible, doing some gardening and now I am finding myself wandering aimlessly around hehehe
I think I had better get another to do list going again - that's a good idea actually. I have a huge pile of pinterest pictures that I have printed out for inspiration for card making - so I could start working my way through those.
Speaking of card making - I did have a wonderful day with my card making buddies last Monday and I have another one planned for next Monday. It was so funny last Monday - cause I was so excited to get card making but when I sat down to do it - I couldn't - I sat there like I had never made a card in my life before - I was soooooo out of practice - but by the end of the day - I had three cards made. So hopefully I will be quick off the mark next Monday. 
I will get organised and put up a post on my card making blog in the next couple of days. And then I think I will spend a little more time each term - keeping track of my journey. I do find blogging so very helpful in reflecting and looking at what areas I can improve myself in. I have also looked and I have a reflective piece due for one of next terms courses - so what better place to be reflective than here in Blogland.
Ok well I might go and grab myself a diet coke and have afternoon tea with the boys before working out what we are going to have for dinner - today has gone so fast - I can't believe it is already 3 o'clock.
Have a great day, doing what ever it is that you are doing!
Keep smiling, be happy, talk soon x joy

Friday, February 21, 2014

Where is the time going

Hello, Hello, Hello
Long time and no me
How naughty I am!!!!!
I have been such a bad bad blogger - but here I am better late than never

Today is officially the last day of term break with term three year one done and dusted 
and with a drum roll
dadum dadum


Year Two starts on Monday
can you believe it
Year Two already
I am a second year Psychology student - (it sounds so grown up hehe)
I just cannot believe it

It is so exciting!!
And if time continues to go so fast - I will be finished before I know it.

I did two subjects this last term  - Foundations of Psychology Research which I received a High Distinction for and Organisational Behavior that I received a Distinction for.
I was actually I little disappointed with my Distinction after achieving all High Distinctions for all of my other subjects - but that is silly really as a Distinction is still above 75% - so I have to learn not to be so hard on myself. But I must admit I did not give my usual 100% for Organisational behavior - I got a little slack and didn't push myself completely. 

So that is a lesson to learn - if I want HD's I need to put in the effort and do it.
My new desktop back ground is flashing the benefits of consistency and perseverance at me  - as I really think that is what is needed to succeed.

So as of Monday I start with
Life Span Human Development - this always fascinates me - so super excited to do this subject
Personality - also fascinating and exciting to be doing
and last but not least
Research Methods for Psychology - a little daunting but I am determined to get to it and get my brain wrapped around the subject.

I have all my term planner done up and ready to go
I am also raring to get back into it
I even started my readings ahead of time - to keep me ahead of schedule - I like being in front and in control
It makes the whole process flow much more smoothly.

Ok well I promise that I will keep you more up to date on this term studies
and not be a terrible blogger
I have taken control of my life and am now not only eating a healthy diet and exercising but I am also trying my hardest to be more organised - and I am loving it!
I was kinda organised before but have ramped up the energy in this part of my life - so that I can fit in all that I want to fit in.

I am feeling so much more healthy - I sleep better, feel better and have more energy
So look out I might end up being dangerous hehe

Ok well take care
talk soon
x joy