Friday, February 21, 2014

Where is the time going

Hello, Hello, Hello
Long time and no me
How naughty I am!!!!!
I have been such a bad bad blogger - but here I am better late than never

Today is officially the last day of term break with term three year one done and dusted 
and with a drum roll
dadum dadum


Year Two starts on Monday
can you believe it
Year Two already
I am a second year Psychology student - (it sounds so grown up hehe)
I just cannot believe it

It is so exciting!!
And if time continues to go so fast - I will be finished before I know it.

I did two subjects this last term  - Foundations of Psychology Research which I received a High Distinction for and Organisational Behavior that I received a Distinction for.
I was actually I little disappointed with my Distinction after achieving all High Distinctions for all of my other subjects - but that is silly really as a Distinction is still above 75% - so I have to learn not to be so hard on myself. But I must admit I did not give my usual 100% for Organisational behavior - I got a little slack and didn't push myself completely. 

So that is a lesson to learn - if I want HD's I need to put in the effort and do it.
My new desktop back ground is flashing the benefits of consistency and perseverance at me  - as I really think that is what is needed to succeed.

So as of Monday I start with
Life Span Human Development - this always fascinates me - so super excited to do this subject
Personality - also fascinating and exciting to be doing
and last but not least
Research Methods for Psychology - a little daunting but I am determined to get to it and get my brain wrapped around the subject.

I have all my term planner done up and ready to go
I am also raring to get back into it
I even started my readings ahead of time - to keep me ahead of schedule - I like being in front and in control
It makes the whole process flow much more smoothly.

Ok well I promise that I will keep you more up to date on this term studies
and not be a terrible blogger
I have taken control of my life and am now not only eating a healthy diet and exercising but I am also trying my hardest to be more organised - and I am loving it!
I was kinda organised before but have ramped up the energy in this part of my life - so that I can fit in all that I want to fit in.

I am feeling so much more healthy - I sleep better, feel better and have more energy
So look out I might end up being dangerous hehe

Ok well take care
talk soon
x joy