Did I achieve what I set out to do:
Yes I did - most definitely. I set out to embrace the journey of discovery and learning and enjoy it all and I have. Although I still have 2 terms left in STEPS so it will be interesting to revisit these questions at the end of this year. But I can't see anything changing.
How do I know that I have achieved this:
Firstly my grades reflect my success at this point and I hope they continue to be good in these last few assessments. Secondly by the way that I feel - I know that I am doing everything possible to achieve success. I am a firm believer that there is no point in pretending or half heartedly doing anything in life as the only person that you are fooling is yourself. I feel good about what I have done because I know that I have done it (with help from my lecturers of course) but most importantly I would not feel good on the inside if I had said that I had done something when in fact I had not.
What did I do to achieve what I did:
I have worked through each and every module and component of all three courses to get to the end. I have done and submitted everything that was required. I tried to complete each module by the Friday of the week it was required and I did achieve that up until the last couple of weeks where I needed to put in some extra effort over the weekend. I also got on top of my tendency to procrastinate - and plugged along even when I had low motivation. That in itself was a big achievement for me as I previously had a tendency to let procrastination take over me.
What is the significance of these achievements:
Well really it is the fact that I am able to study. I have always had self doubt about my abilities after my high school years. But now I feel positive about my future study as I know that if I set my mind to it - I can achieve.
How can I take it further:
There is definitely always room for improvement. I think that maybe I will continue my newly learnt skill of breaking tasks down into smaller more manageable pieces and keep writing to do list. Studying and writing out a calender of course profile details will again be beneficial. I am a little apprehensive about doing maths and biology next term but I need to be positive and embrace the challenge.
Where to from here:
Ok well I really want to do a couple of things in the next weeks to work out what I am going to do from here. I really need to decide what I am going to be when I grow up. I have narrowed my selection down to three main areas and I need to continue to investigate all three options. My short term goal is to do well in my next term of study in the STEPS program, again completing each module by the Friday of the week that it is required. My medium term goal is to decide and enrol into my program of choice and my long term goal is to be in paid employment within my chosen profession in 5 years.
Steps to achieve my next goal:
I need to spend time researching careers through the websites given to us in module 5 as I have not investigated options available to me fully as yet. This will be my term break homework. I also want to see how I go at Maths and Biology next term as these are area's that I will need to do well in for one of my choices.
What is my responsibility:
I am the only person who is responsible for my own success. No one else can do this for me, that reminds me of a saying that a lovely man that I once worked with used to say 'If it is to be - then it is up to me'. I am aware of my strengths, interests and personal attributes as well as my weaknesses and shortcomings - I just have to make a decision about what I want to do. And I will do that. Maybe I could add another short term goal into the mix and say that I will have committed to what area of study that I want to undertake by the end of next term.
To quote a little saying that stuck with me from an email that I received from Nel:
'Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go'
I love it and have it sitting up on my desk in front of me because the sky is the limit - we can all achieve what we want if we only just set out to do it.
Ok this time I am off and not coming back today
so have a great afternoon
talk soon
x joy
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