Sunday, December 2, 2012

A quick note to let you know where I am

Hello and a happy Sunday to you,
actually with that said, I must say I had to truly stop and think exactly what day it is!!
I am just not with it at the moment.
Life is just full on at the moment and  keeping me running around like a chook with it's head cut off (which I am sure is not a pretty site)
Although today is the day that I am taking off the auto pilot and getting everything in control again!!!!
You see on the 15th of November I got a phone call to say my Mum had been rushed to hospital by ambulance with a suspected internal bleed. Oh my goodness! With being 1000kms from Brisbane - it was very worrying. So I booked a flight that day to travel to Brisbane on the next day's flight.
Mum spent 8 days in hospital with no reason for the bleed to be found. Although at this stage it appears the bleed has stopped on it's own accord (fingers, toes and everything else crossed).
Then while I was away I managed to catch one of the million fluey things going around in a big town.
It has knocked me for 6, with terrible sore throat, yukko nose and massive headaches complete with 2 days of not being able to lift my head off of the pillow when I flew back home.
 And hey presto - my studying has been thrown into chaos!!!!!!!
I have managed to get through my QUAD module and pass the end of module test (100% - yippee)and am now into the LOGS module with only the last component to do but I am still behind (hopefully I will get up to date on Monday - so I will then only be 3 days behind)
Then this weekend has been chaos with family activities to do as well. Bearing in mind I am still having these headaches and my head is all wishy washy with sinusy stuff (I know - some may say I am wishy washy all the time but more than normal hehe). Friday night we had a school function on.
Then on Saturday I had committed to doing some markets over in Tambo  - which I did and I ended up having a lovely day - although with the temperature soaring the way it did - I ended up with an even yukkyer headache - crikey its a real poor me blog post today isn't it!!!!
Then last night hubby and I had double booked us - hehehehehe (just like us).
He had accepted a birthday party invitation and I had committed Benji to preform a circus act at a town fete. OOhhh crikey we do get ourselves in bothers sometimes. Anyway a quicker than normal visit to both was the solution - then home to comfort my pounding head.
Today I have committed to markets in town this afternoon followed by our favourite thing to do at this time of the year - the local Christmas tree festival. I get to sing Christmas carols - yippee - I love Christmas carols!!!!!! 
And what a timely reminder - CHRISTMAS - oh my goodness again - it is just around the corner - eeeeekkkkkkkkk.
And for those of you that know me - know that I just LOVE Christmas and like to go all out and decorate the intire house inside and out. SO this is where the getting organised comes into action. I have got a priority list in action. This morning is going to be spent cleaning the house (somewhere in all this - the house work got forgotten) then I will clear all of my knick knacks from all around the house(that's a huge job in itself). Then I will drag all of the Christmas decorations out, put all of the knicky knacky stuff away and then slowly this week I will begin to decorate the house (in between study of course). OOOOHHHHH how exciting!!!!!
Last year I had 7 Christmas trees (some big, some small) and I have brought some new ones so I will let you know how many I have now.
 I just love Christmas.
So the plan is to get super organised so I can enjoy it as much this year as I do every year - wish me luck in the organisation part hehehehe it may be a bit hard to get the three boys (one big and two small) to get into the swing with me. But here I go . . . . . . . .  .
talk soon (when I have everything tickerty boo)
x joy
p.s. hahaha you should see how many words spell check highlights when I click on it in this post.
Obviously Mr Spell Checker doesn't speak Joy language with all my hehe and ooohhhh and the rest.
Monday morning note:
Ahhhhh who was I kidding - I thought I was only 3 days behind
haha that's how muddled my head is!!!
I am actually 1 week and 3 days behind - URGH
Anyway onward and upward - I am getting there - nearly finished logarithms, just have the sample and end of module test left to do
so will get ontop of that tonight or tomorrow morning. Then on to functions - luckily this is a non teaching week this week!!!!!!
high ho high ho
it's off to work I go
 . . . . . . . . . . . .

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