Thursday, January 31, 2013


It's over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness - do I feel relieved!!!!!!
I have sat my three hour maths test today and I can finally breath again hehehe.
I have to admit that I have allowed myself to get stressed about this test. And rightfully so - it was bloody hard!!!!!!! hehehehe probably not that hard but when you are stressing everything always looks harder than it really is.
Hmmmmm so now I just have to wait for results - which will be all in before term 1 (2013) starts so I am just relaxing now. And how did I think I went hahahahaha - I don't think I went that well actually - I think I will be lucky to scrape through with 70%. I worked slowly through the first half - plodding away then when I looked at the clock - eeeeeekkkkkkk I was running out of time. So I rushed the second half and panicked a bit - so the brain just didn't want to work properly.
And I ended up getting messy - I hate getting messy - I like to work slowly and neatly.
Anyway I can relax for a few weeks now (on the study front) and catch up on the housework and Mother and Wife duties that have been neglected.
The maths books will be packed away and all my new study material will come out to play, ready for term 1 to begin.
Ok so I am off to go do some unwinding!
It is going to be a feet up doing absolutely nothing 'until the boys come home' afternoon.
(that will be interesting cause I usually can't do nothing - it's impossible - I always have to be doing something).
I will begin with a spot of lunch in front of the tellie.
Ok have a great day.
talk soon
x joy


  1. Hi Joy

    I have been waiting all day for this blog because I was so sure you would blog after your exam and I was right. CONGRAULATIONS on finishing your course, well done! You should be very proud of yourself. I hope you have a couple of weeks resting and playing craft.

    From Paula

    1. Thank you Paula, it is sooooo good to be finished - I can now relax and do some lovely lunchy things with my friends :)
