Hello there and happy Friday Afternoon to you,
Boy doesn't it feel good to think about relaxing for a couple of days.
Don't get me wrong as I am loving every minute of my studies but my brain is really worn out. I have had a couple of headaches this week, which I am sure is to do with all this extra work my head is doing.
I have found that I just cannot switch off and I end up lying in bed at night thinking about everything that I have covered in my day. My Darling Hubby (he is such a sweetie) even went and brought me two of my favourite magazines for me to sit and relax with, but I couldn't get into them.
So what is this telling me?
Perhaps I need to find a strategy to switch off. hehehe Unplug my brain and leave it on the desk (if only it was that easy) but then I do need my brain for other things as well so that is no good.
Ok well I need to just disconnect from my studies - hmmmmmm so how do I do that?
I wonder if I completely pack up my study material and then perhaps go for a walk or something to refresh me before I start anything else. I might just have to give that a go today.
I am planning to spend the weekend doing some things that have been neglected during the week. Firstly some Mother and Wife duties just have to be done - I have only been half heartedly been doing them so it is time to put on my happy smiling Mum and Wife face and give the family some much needed attention. Then secondly I need to do some housework eeeeekkkkk (do I have to hehehe) I better cause the house looks like a bomb has hit it and thirdly (if I am a good and lucky girl) I want to spend some time in my little crafty heaven making cards.
So here it is Friday afternoon and I need to pack everything away, then head out for a nice refreshing walk and then jump into my weekend OOOOOHHHHHH it sounds so good.
Then hopfully I will be bright and fresh for Monday morning to get into Week4.
Ok I'm off then
talk soon
x joy
p.s. have a great weekend
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