Wednesday, March 21, 2012

One of those days

Hello - it's Wednesday and I have to admit that I am not feeling that great. I think I am suffering from a mixture of being a little unhappy with myself and the fact I am  not feeling the best. In my prep skills module one I was told there would be these days so I am trying not to be too hard on  myself.

My not being happy with myself started yesterday after I submitted my assessments, that weren't due till Friday, early. Oh my goodness - why did I do that??????? I don't know what I was thinking - well yes I do really if I think about it. I had worked then re worked and re worked again my Essay Writing assessment and I was happy with that one (I think anyway) and I had gotten to the point that I thought if I kept reworking it, I would change it completely and I was happy with what I had done. So that brings me to my Computing Assessment - Urgh. This is the one I am upset with - you see I sat down yesterday morning at about 9.50am ( I was super organised and wrote down the time so that I didn't go over the designated 2 hours) I worked happily away for about an hour when Hubby came in with a diet coke and a piece of apple slice (yummo how could I resist hehe) anyway I jotted down the time and then kept track of how long I was away from the computer and restarted my time when I returned. And kept working merrily away. Anyway I got to the point that I had finished and had checked my work about four times and was happy with what I had done - famous last words hehehe.

So on with the story and for some reason I decided to go and upload it via a practise upload that I had seen was mentioned in an email earlier in the day via emails. So off I go and upload it and then had a little look at what I had uploaded and I noticed that I had incorrect spacing after one paragraph so I happily go into my documents and change it and upload it again into what I was thinking was the practise site. It wasn't - I was in the entirely wrong place - I was at the official test upload site unbeknown to me still.  At that point I thought I was happy with it all so decided to send it for marking - BLAH what was I thinking. It told me I had already sent it for marking and I had sent both copies away. But it gets worse - I send an email to Michelle and tell her what I have done re sending two copies in and she says no worries she'll check it out. So I pop back and look at what I have uploaded and I find another mistake - OMG - what have I done.  For some reason I had made a whole reference live in my reference list - don't ask me how I did it cause I have no idea but I did. At that point I just closed the computer down and walked away cause I was so cranky at myself. I have not yet been able to go back and look for any other mistakes that I may of made. 

So I think I have to use this as a good learning experience and work out what went wrong. Urgh! Firstly and most importantly I have to check where exactly practice uploads are and not just think I remember. Then I think perhaps that I shouldn't send assessments away early - perhaps I need to finish working on them, then leave it for a day or two and then recheck them with a fresh mind before I upload them. I can't change what I have done, so no use worrying (can I still cry though hehe) so onwards and upwards from here and not let it get me down or influence the rest of my study today.  

Then as I mentioned earlier my health has suffered a set back although I am determined not to let it effect my studies. I had surgery in Feb for problems suffered during my son's birth and although I knew that I had to have 3 lots of further surgery later in the year - I am suffering a complication and may have to have more surgery very soon. I may have to fly down to Brissy next week if nothing changes. So consequently I am feeling very flat and a bit sad. I spent a very restless night stressing over this and my stuff up with the assessments - so really a tired head is not a good head - so I need to cut myself some slack, shake myself out of this sad mood and move forward. I am studying for a reason - I am enjoying studying so get over it. hehehe let me just give myself a little slap around the face as well hehe

Ok well after my moaning and groaning (sorry to bore you) but I had to get if off my chest. I am off to go watch this weeks Prep lecture with a diet coke in hand.
So have a good day
 talk soon

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