Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Stunned silence in Smithville

 do you hear that?
No I hear you say
Well that is because there is nothing to hear - because a very unusual event has happened
 I am gob smacked silent!!!!!!!!!!
And believe me - that does not happen to me very often in life
I am in shock
I got my end of course maths test results back
wait for it
drum roll please
I got 91%
crikey blimey
can you believe it
There is no way I thought that I would of done so well
I stressed myself out
got myself all in a fuddle and thought that if I was lucky I would of achieved 75%
but I got 91%
whoooo hoooooo
doing the happy dance
 (hahahahaha I have to add that I am doing the gangnam style dance hehehe - I love it)
Anyway just thought I would share it with you
I am one happy girl and now I am so excited about next terms intermediate maths.
Just goes to show that if you put in some effort and enthusiasm in, you can achieve things. Who would of thought that I would get 91 % in my end of course maths test hehehehe.
And now I am thinking that if I had of put in extra effort and time I could of done even better
although I was time poor last term so considering that I am super pleased hehehehehe
So I am going to leave you with my happy dance today
just imagine me doing it
hehehehe and of course giggling away at the same time
if you are one of the very unusual people who haven't seen it
do yourself a favour and watch it
anything that makes so many people happy has to be a good thing.
so off i go
singing and dancing
whoot whoot
opa gangnam style
whoot whoot
you have to watch it full screen with the volume up loud as well
and perhaps have a little dance as well
talk soon
 x joy

Edited to add : I am now even happier - I have just spoken to my maths lecturer and he has told me that I have received a high distinction for maths yayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!


  1. Hi Joy

    CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU! Well done, you must be very proud and you should be.

    From Paula
